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Search result for: NeuroPro
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Tectus Group & associated companies is a family-owned multi-national conglomerate. It holds diverse investments and operations in 6 areas: construction and engineering, devices and solutions, real estate, advisory, media and entertainment, lifestyle.
Tectus Group & associated companies is a family-owned multi-national conglomerate. It holds diverse investments and operations in 6 areas: construction and engineering, devices and solutions, real estate, advisory, media and entertainment, lifestyle.
Tectus Group & associated companies is a family-owned multi-national conglomerate. It holds diverse investments and operations in 6 areas: construction and engineering, devices and solutions, real estate, advisory, media and entertainment, lifestyle.
Neuropro’s mission is to bring together cutting-edge mobile computing and innovative EEG data analysis methodologies into a clinically-validated solution for the diagnosis and prediction of neurological disorders by developing strategic partnerships with prominent research and technology providers to transform their patent-pending concept into a commercially viable product.
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